Important Documents
Campbelltown Golf Club Visitor Competition Policy
Visiting Golf Members
- Visitors are ineligible to win Major events such as Monthly Medal, Club Championships, or any other Board Event
- Visitors are allowed to win any daily prize within Major events.
- All visitors must be registered into the competition before the start of play (Excluding on the day call ups)
- Showing up with a Visitor / Member to take another member’s place, will result in the replaced member receiving a red flag (NSA) for that competition.
Saturday Competitions
- Visitors are eligible to play in a Saturday members competition with the following conditions
- Can only book in from the Monday before the Saturday event.
Wednesday / Sunday Competitions
- Visitors are eligible to play in a Wednesday & Sunday Members Competition with the following conditions.
- Members can book visitors in when the tee sheet open 15 days in advance (at 6pm)
- Visitors can book directly with the Pro Shop from Wednesday / Sunday morning’s 14 days in advance
Friday Pro Shop Competition
- Visitors are eligible to play in a Friday Pro Shop Competition with the following conditions.
- Members can book visitors in when the tee sheet open 15 days in advance (at 6pm)
- Visitors can book directly with the Pro Shop from Friday morning 14 days in advance
Visitor Competition Fee’s
Weekend / Public Holidays
- $48.00
Midweek Competitions
- $43.00
Friday Proshop Comp
- $35.00
Reciprocal Competition Fee’s
The members of the following clubs do not have to pay the visitor fees for the Wednesday competitions, however need to pay the competition fee of $15.
- Camden Studley park
- Lakeside Golf Club
- Antill Park Golf Club
Campbelltown Golf Club Members Booking and Competition Policies
Competition Opening Times
Saturday Competition’s
- Club House booking (7 Day Members Only)
- Kiosk opens at 5pm (registration via the Computer Terminals in foyer of Golf Club)
- Random Draw and booking in starts at 6pm
- Tee Sheet opens at 9pm online (7 Day Members Only)
- Tee Sheet open for phone bookings at 6.30am the following Saturday (2 Weeks in advance, 7 Day Members only)
Wednesday Competition’s
- Tee Sheet opens online at 6pm, 15 days in advance (Tuesday night at 6pm, 2 weeks prior)
- Tee Sheet opens for phone bookings at 6.30am 14 days in advance (Wednesday morning 2 weeks prior)
Friday Competition’s
- Tee Sheet opens online at 6pm, 15 days in advance (Thursday night at 6pm, 2 weeks prior)
- Tee Sheet opens for phone bookings at 6.30am 14 days in advance (Friday morning 2 weeks prior)
Sunday Competition’s
- Tee Sheet opens online at 6pm, 15 days in advance (Saturday night at 6pm, 2 weeks prior)
- Tee Sheet opens for phone bookings at 6.30am 14 days in advance (Sunday morning 2 weeks prior)
Any member who is booked into a competition round and does not remove their name from the tee sheet 30 min before their tee time, shall receive a NSNA (Red Flag round). Please leave a voice mail or send an email if the phone is un-answered.
- Should there be circumstances where it was un-practical to remove their name, the member shall need to request in writing to the committee to have the NSNA round removed.
- The above also applies where a visitor turns up to play in a member booked spot. The member who has not removed their name, will receive a NSNA.
Tee Sheets will open for booking 15 days (at 6PM) prior to each event
Members can book in 1 visitor per event at the 6pm time slot (for Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday Competition’s only).
Saturday tee times are not available for 6 Day members or visitors until 1pm the Monday before the Saturday.
Visitor policies apply for visitors playing (See visitor Competition Eligibility). If a visitor does not meet the criteria to be eligible to win a prize, this may also result in the partnering member being ineligible to win the team prize, as the ineligible score will not be counted.
6 Day Members
- 6-day members are ineligible to win a monthly medal’s or Board Events
- 6-day members are eligible to play in a Saturday competition with the following restrictions.
- Can only book in on the Monday prior to the Saturday
- 6 Day Members are to pay visitor rates on Saturday in competitions and for social play.
6 Day Saturday Rates
- Competition Fees – $48
- Green Fees – $45 (18 Holes), $30 (9 Holes)
Teams Events
- Teams Playing as a 2 in a Best Ball competition will be split up by the Proshop with the next available single player. Should there be an even number, the group of 2 players will be ineligible to win. You cannot win a 2BBB prize playing as a 2 player time slot but you can win a Aggregate or Multiplier team prize playing as a 2 player time slot.
- Should there be a group of 3, the odd person will be paired with the closest other single player. Should there be an odd number in the comp, the last member playing as the odd number shall be playing the team event as a single.
PGA Professional Competition Rules
- Any Professional who plays off their Golf Link handicap will be eligible to win as per the below. Any Professional who does not have a golf link, shall play off +5.
Eligible to win
- Individual Nett Prize
- 2B Prize (Gross or Nett) but must be paired with an Amateur
- Pro Pin
- NTP’s
Ineligible to win
- Monthly Medals
- Major Events or Board Events
- Club Championships
- Any Individual Scratch Prize